Me and Chad look forward to Saturday mornings! On Saturday mornings we head across the street to the GYSA fields to watch our nephews and niece play soccer. Today was their last game of the fall season so we decided we would take pictures. When we got there I realized my memory card was still in the computer so we had to take pictures from Chad's phone instead. This morning was probably the coldest day of the year! It was 47 degrees and the wind was blowing to make it even worse. Chad's dad "Papa Rocky" was a hero and bought us all hot chocolate :) Yummy! The boys did great despite the cold weather and they both won their games...good job boys! Kylie's game was at the same time as Dakota's so we missed it :/ but I bet she did great too! She is so cute out there.
Gunnar is really aggressive and loves stealing goals :)

The kids love running through the tunnel!

I think the treat at the end of the game is their favorite part about soccer haha

Dakota is a great soccer player and his team is undefeated!

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