Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Our Little Bundle of Joy :)

We brought McKinley home from the hospital the day after she was born. She has been so much fun and such a good baby. Chad and I have had so much fun taking lots of pictures of her and showing her off. She eats about every 2 hours during the day, unless her naps run a little longer, and about every 3 hours during the night. On Sunday she probably only slept for a total of 4 hours all day so that night she slept for 5 hours straight :) That was nice! She can already keep her pacifier in her mouth as long as she is laying down and not being moved. Every now and then we can get her to follow our faces with her eyes...but we have to be at just the right distance. She will turn her head to look at who ever is talking, me or Chad. The only time she really cries is when she is hungry, getting changed, or getting her diaper changed. We went to her first doctors appointment on Monday and every looked good, she is super healthy. Her umbilical cord got knocked off on Sunday night so Dr. Guthrie looked at it, it was fine and we can start giving her regular baths whenever we want. McKinley has been such a blessing to mine and Chad's lives. We LOVE being parents and couldn't have asked for a more perfect little girl to be our daughter. We are looking forward to all of the adventures she is going to bring to our lives.

McKinley has arrived!!!

February 5th, 2013 at 8:00 p.m. we arrived at Banner Baywood hospital. We filled out paper work and got all checked in. I was dilated to a 3 and 90% effaced. I wanted to have McKinley naturally but I was having really bad back labor...by 11:00 I was demanding an epidural. The  got to our room around 11:30 p.m. and I was terrified. I was so surprised when the epidural hurt less then the i.v. It only took a couple of minutes before I was feeling amazing! I couldn't feel a single contraction but I could still feel and move my legs. I was still only at like a 3 and 90% so the nurse left us to sleep while I progressed. Around 1:30 a.m. the nurse came back in our room to check me...I was dilated to an 8 and 100% effaced. Around 2:30 a.m. she came in again and I was at 10 and 100%. Because my mom lives so far from the hospital we called her and had her start to head over. My mom go to the hospital around 3:00 a.m. Around 3:30 a.m. I wasn't contracting very often so the nurse gave me some petosin to speed things up. Chad's parents go to the hospital around 4:30 a.m. McKinley dropped around 6:00 a.m. and my water bag was putting a lot of pressure on me so the nurse finally called the doctor. Dr. Huff didn't get to the hospital till around 7:00 a.m. to brake my water. We ended up finding out that the nurses couldn't get a hold of him and sent the cops to his house to make sure he was okay. He has never not answered his phone before and it turned out that he was having phone problems. After he broke my water he could tell that McKinley was face up...so he had me lay on my side with a peanut ball between my legs to try and get her to flip. Our new nurse came it the room and got things ready for the doctor. She had me start pushing and when you could see McKinley's hair she got the doctor. Dr. Huff came in and had me push four times through one contraction and she was here! McKinley Riggs was born at 7:53 on February 6th, 2013 weighing 7 lbs 3oz and measuring 21 1/2 inches long (the nurses at the hospital measured her at 19 3/4 but when we went to the doctor 5 days later she was measuring at 21 3/4 so they must not have done it wrong)

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Getting ready for our sweet little baby!

I haven't blogged in a really long time but I promise when this baby comes I will get back on track. Here is a quick updated on what we have been up to lately. Of course I forgot to take pictures over the holidays :/ We had so much fun with the family though and enjoyed the holidays. Our new favorite treats to make are snow cones and milk shakes with our new Christmas presents :) We took our last trip up to the cabin as just a couple...our next trip up we will be parents! For the last couple of weeks we have been getting things ready for the arrival of this little bundle of joy. I have made a few things to decorate her room a little. I washed, folded, and hung her clothes. I organized her closet and her soaps. I cleaned the grout (turned out to be a bad idea haha there is a lot more grout in my house then I thought). I cleaned the bathrooms good and the rest of the house a little. I packed her diaper bag and my hospital bag. And Chad installed her carseat into the car...I think we are ready for her to come! We did just barely start to refinish her dresser and crib :/ yikes! haha. She won't be sleeping in her crib for a few months but I do need somewhere to put her clothes, so we started on the dresser first. We will see if we can get it finished by the time she gets here. Now we just wait haha.

...the pictures aren't in order...
 I can't wait to put pictures of her in the frames :)

 My SIL Chanteal made her a bunch of flowers & headbands that aren't in this picture. Thanks Chan!

 So many diapers, soap, and clothes from my baby shower. Thanks everyone!

 My sister gave me all of her girls outgrown clothes and shoes. Thanks Laura!

 Organized her soaps & lotions :) Can't wait for bath time! haha

 This was at 35 weeks.

  It was an orange-brown but we are staining it dark brown.

 Bearizona on our cabin trip :) So fun!

 The grout looks so different.

 Homemade chocolate milkshakes :)

 Deer Farm on our cabin trip :) Chad feeding the animals.

 Folded clothes :) so small and cute!

 Game nights :)

 Crafty crafts!

 Chad replacing the screen on his phone...it looks great!

 Travis & Nicole's wedding :) Studs!

Chad painted my toes because I can't really reach anymore :) Thanks babe!