Monday, August 20, 2012


I haven't posted in a while but we haven't done too much and haven't taken any pictures. We went to the Riggs Reunion August 1st-4th but I forgot my camera :( We had so much fun though! We love the reunions and wouldn't miss them for the world. Chad's mom Tina took lots of pictures if you want to see them head over to her blog. I started working last Monday which has been nice...getting out of the house for a change. I'm not throwing up anymore...Wooh Hooh!!! I don't feel good when I wake up but I eat and then I feel fine the rest of the day. Chad has been sick since we got back from the reunion :( poor guy. It was just a cough at first but last week he got a sinus infection and hasn't seemed to been able to kick it. We missed out on going to the cabin last weekend but we had a nice date night in instead. I get to take my niece Kendall's six month pictures tomorrow which I am very excited for :) We are hosting a Packard cousin party with my sister Sarah at our house on Thursday...that should be fun! I will try to do better and hopefully I will get some pictures up soon.