Monday, July 23, 2012

12 Weeks

I am 12 weeks now and still really sick :/ I can't wait to get my appetite back and go a day with out throwing up. I'm crossing my fingers that is goes away pretty least by our trip in September. Well on a happier note we went to our 12 week ultrasound today :) We got an ultrasound at 9 weeks because I was loosing so much weight they wanted to make sure everything was going good. It is so crazy how different and how much bigger the baby has gotten in just three weeks! The ultrasound tech at the doctors office we go to is known for guessing the gender at 12 weeks and being right like 90% or the time. So me and Chad were both really anxiousness to she what she thought the gender was. We are both really hoping for a boy first and she thinks it's a girl. We will still love to have a girl but we are crossing our fingers. Here are just a few pictures from the appointment today :) 


  1. Wow, that's amazing that they can tell that early! We are going to find out in about 3.5 weeks, when I'm at 18 weeks.

  2. We are so excited for you two!
