Sunday, April 22, 2012

First Camping Trip

This weekend we went camping with my family, it was the first time me and Chad have ever been camping together. It was fun to finally get to use all the camping stuff we got from our wedding. It was also the first time Zayden has ever been camping so it was fun to see him experience it, he loved watching the fire! We went up Friday evening and came home this afternoon. We spent the day yesterday playing games, shooting, and throwing the football. Jake and Tanya couldn't get off work but we got to take Kaiti. I'm glad she came because she had so much fun camping with all of us, she is such a sweetheart. Here are some pictures from our fun filled weekend :)


  1. Looks like you had lots of fun, love you guys!

  2. we'll have to do it again...only the right way! you know...take the trailor,so we can have shade, tables, a toilet, the trampoline, horseshoes, game tables,etc, etc...
