Right after our trip to Utah we packed and were on our way to California with his family. It had been a busy couple of weeks but we were so happy to be going on trips and spending time with the family. We were camping just minutes away from the beach. One of the nights we were there Chad wanted to take some pictures of the sunset for the new Ocean Blue that was opening the weekend after we got home. The rest of his family were all kind of talking about doing different things that night. As we are getting ready to head over to the pier, his family decides they want to come to the pier too. I didn't think anything of it at the time. So we all pack up and head over. When we got there it was pretty overcast and you couldn't really see the sun. We when under the pier anyway to see if we could get a few good shots. We took turns taking pictures and passing off the camera. It was my turn and I was turned away really trying to get a good one. I turned around to see if Chad wanted anymore, to see him on his knees in the sand. I was so surprised. I didn't think he was proposing for a couple of weeks. Then he asked "Jessica, will you marry me?" I was so in shock that all I could say was "Oh my gosh, oh my gosh!" I think that me not answering the question scared him because he said "Is that a yes?" And of course I said "Yes!"
Yes...I cried

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