We brought McKinley home from the hospital the day after she was born. She has been so much fun and such a good baby. Chad and I have had so much fun taking lots of pictures of her and showing her off. She eats about every 2 hours during the day, unless her naps run a little longer, and about every 3 hours during the night. On Sunday she probably only slept for a total of 4 hours all day so that night she slept for 5 hours straight :) That was nice! She can already keep her pacifier in her mouth as long as she is laying down and not being moved. Every now and then we can get her to follow our faces with her eyes...but we have to be at just the right distance. She will turn her head to look at who ever is talking, me or Chad. The only time she really cries is when she is hungry, getting changed, or getting her diaper changed. We went to her first doctors appointment on Monday and every looked good, she is super healthy. Her umbilical cord got knocked off on Sunday night so Dr. Guthrie looked at it, it was fine and we can start giving her regular baths whenever we want. McKinley has been such a blessing to mine and Chad's lives. We LOVE being parents and couldn't have asked for a more perfect little girl to be our daughter. We are looking forward to all of the adventures she is going to bring to our lives.
I love that first picture, with the smile!