It has been a long time since I have posted because I have been busy. Me and Chad found out that I am pregnant! Yes, baby number one is on it's way :) My due date is February 3rd so that makes me 8 1/2 weeks along. We are so excited! My sister Laura is having a boy in November and Chad's sister Chanteal is having a boy in we are hoping we have a boy too. Cross your fingers! We should be able to find out what we are having in September. We haven't talked about names yet and we decided we would wait until we know what gender it is. We our also curious to see if the baby comes early or late...we have a lot of birthdays in February already. Sadly I have been really sick for 2 1/2 weeks now and have lost 5 pounds. My doctor gave me some medicine but some days it works and some days it doesn't.(But mostly when she doesn't take it.. :) ) Once I throw up from eating something it makes me not want it again for awhile. So even though we have more food in the house that we have ever had, I feel like there is nothing to eat. I have to eat something every couple hours so I am running out of new things to eat haha. Chad has been so great the last couple weeks! He makes dinner now and asks me if he can get me anything. I feel so bad that he makes dinner every night and I haven't even done the dishes in weeks. I can't wait til the sickness passes and I can enjoy food again, clean my house, and do my make up. Don't get me wrong, I love being pregnant, but I can't wait for the fun stuff. Finding out what we are having and feeling the baby kick. Well enough about are a couple pictures we took to tell the family we are pregnant :)